For those who might be considering reading some of my books, but who are unsure if they will like them, what better than to read what other people think.
Having recently checked my Amazon Author Page and Goodreads Page, I have found some reviews (some old, some brand new) which have not been highlighted on my website.
Continue reading to see what other readers thought:
"Beyond the Waves: My Royal Navy Adventures"

“I too was an Artificer of the Marine Engineering type though, I therefore found this book both interesting and informative, we share similar experiences with Far East deployments.
The book follows the career path and lifestyle of a section of the Royal Navy now long gone, the Artificer, well written and although dealing with a life outside the RN I look forward to the next instalment.”
“It’s a good book, very detailed and informative. That the end came due to politics and scrimping so the poor guy didn’t get any real kind of pay-off is nothing new to the cynic or, to put it another way, the realist. It’s not a job I’d like to do but well, this author did and explains things in a way that anyone can understand which makes the book extremely enjoyable.”
"Single-Crewed: My Life as a Police Officer"

“It’s thoughtful and reflective descriptions of how police work affects the people involved, both officers and crooks, helps build public understanding of this difficult but immensely valuable job.
We should all attend to, and learn from, the thoughts expressed on the last page.”
“The first time I started to read this book I knew it was a good one. The real insight into the life of the Police Officer in Britain today.”
“Andrew tells it as it was when he was a policeman. A gripping read for crime writer's who want the inside scoop and an honest appraisal for anyone thinking of joining up.”
"Reflex Action: A Thrilling Crime Novel"

“I thoroughly enjoyed the book. It was riveting. The plot and twists and turns held my attention right until the very last page. I would like to see more from Andrew and it would make a great TV series.”
“I am enjoying the book and I wonder if we ever shall see it on TV. It’s certainly good enough because of the plot?”
"The Rubicon: A Gripping Crime Novel"

“I like his style and the length of his chapters, and keeps one turning the page. One can see his experience from his other books shining through.”
Get your copy of all of these books from Amazon.co.uk: Andrew Heasman: Books, Biography, Blogs, Audiobooks, Kindle