As an author, I was flooded with "useful" information on social media about how to write books, how to format them, how to edit them, and how to publish them. A lot of this information did prove to be helpful, but a lot of it wasn't (you need to be careful what you take on board).
As an editor (ProofwriteUK), I get a lot of clients asking those same questions of me (now a "supposed" expert). I've tried to answer the majority of them on my website - ProofwriteUK - so feel free to click the link and explore the vast array of information available, detailing the services I offer and the various types of copy/line editing (and proofreading) available.
However, I also have a blog on that site, and over the past few months, I've written a few in depth articles exploring certain aspects of the writing and editing process. If you are looking to publish your book, or need valuable information, learnt from experience, click the various links and have a read.
Topics covered include:
"Style Guide 'v' Style Sheet" - A detailed explanation of what each is, what it is used for, and the differences between them.
"MS Word's Track Changes" - What is it? How does it work? What do I need to know as an author?
"Typoglycemia - Why you shouldn't edit your own work" - As the title suggests, there are good reasons why NOT to edit your own writing. Read on to uncover the reasons why.
"It's Just About the Writing, Right?" - Explore the various skills required to write, edit, publish and market your self-published (and some traditional) book.
"More Than Just a 'Human Spellchecker" - Why can't you simply rely on AI to find spelling and grammar errors? What a "human" editor actually does that AI can't.
"It's All About the Facts" - Fact checking your work.
"The Style Sheet - What Should it Contain?" - What goes into a style sheet? Should an author be using/creating one?
And lots more...
For information of my copyediting, line editing, and proofreading services, go to https://www.proofwriteuk.com where all of your questions will be answered.
If you'd like to discuss your manuscript's requirements, or would like to obtain a FREE quote (or a FREE 1000 word sample edit), please contact me through my website's "contact" page or via Facebook or X (Twitter).
Email: AJHeasman.ProofWrite@aol.com
I also offer my services through Fiverr