With the second book in the "Crime Collection" series of books due for publication at the end of the year (COVID permitting), it seems a good time to remind all readers of my other books and where to get them.

"The Memoir Series" is a collection of 3 books - each one can be read as a standalone story (for those with an interest in a particular aspect of my life), or they can be read consecutively, forming a detailed autobiography.

"Reflex Action: A Thrilling Crime Novel" is the first book in the "Crime Collection" series. It is a standalone novel, not related to the second book (when it is ready), however, all books in this series are connected by a common theme: CRIME in the UK.

All books are available exclusively from #Amazon worldwide in #Kindle and #paperback formats.
All books are #FREE to #Kindleunlimited and #Amazonprime users.
Check my website https://ajheasman.wixsite.com/author for more details.
Follow me on Facebook. @AJHeasmanauthor
Follow me on Twitter. @HeasmanAuthor
Check my Author page on AmazonUK at https://www.amazon.co.uk/Andrew-Heasman/e/B0765WB3K7/ref=ntt_dp_epwbk_0
Check my Author page on AmazonUS at https://www.amazon.com/Andrew-Heasman/e/B0765WB3K7/ref=ntt_dp_epwbk_0