Ready to get published?
To answer the question - No, my new work-in-progress is not ready to be published - YET!
However, it is progressing well...
Planning started at the beginning of this year, with the actual writing starting around mid-February. To date, I am up to chapter 26 with about 56000 words completed.
When you consider that a novel is anywhere from 70000 to 100000 words in length (sometimes longer), it means I'm somewhere near to halfway through - ish.
Of course, this is only the first draft and edit. I then have to re-read it in its entirety at least 4 or 5 times more, adjusting, altering, and editing.
Once that is complete (and only if I'm happy with the result) will I consider publishing.
That opens up another debate: Traditional Publishing or Self-Publishing?
My previous books were all self-published (which seems to be the way to go nowadays), however, it doesn't hurt to submit to literary agents and traditional publishers to get an idea of their thoughts and opinions. That being said, their views are simply that - opinions. Having submitted my first book to a publisher, they said that as good as it is, because it was aimed at a relatively small target audience, they could not seeing it selling more than a hundred or so copies; it wasn't financially viable. Just over a year down the line, and I just broke my first 2500 sales, and I'm selling more now than at the start. As you can see, opinions are not always correct.
So, book #4 is underway... Watch this space for future updates. Join my Mailing List, or follow me on Facebook/Twitter.
Andrew Heasman: Author of The Memoir Series.
Beyond the Waves: My Royal Navy Adventures (Book #1)
Single-Crewed: My Life as a Police Officer (Book #2)
Gone Diving: My Adventures Above and Below the Waves (Book #3)
All are available as paperbacks/E-books from all Amazon Outlets worldwide or from my website https://ajheasman.wixsite.com/author
Buy all three from HERE.