Well, it is summer holiday time, and my writing has been put on the back-burner after a few weeks of enforced side-lining (also known as the kids' School Holidays...!). As I tend to write on the dining table ,it is virtually impossible to concentrate with the girls running around, screaming at the top of their voices. Instead, I have entered a world of cartoons and soft-play-areas...!
As part of this lay-off, I was privileged to spend a couple of weeks in "not-so-sunny" Scotland, exploring the area around Ayr. As a result, I paid a brief visit to Largs, primarily to visit the "Vikingar" museum with the kids, but also as a bit of a run down "Memory-Lane," revisiting the town that I deployed from as part of my role in submarine rescue almost 30 years ago whilst serving in the Royal Navy. It is strange how the memory plays tricks on you - I remember the seaside town as being quiet, drab, with nothing of interest, but it turned out to be a vibrant tourist location, pretty, even in the rain.
For those who have not already done so, read about what I got up to in the Largs area all those years ago by reading my book,
available from Amazon Worldwide or https://ajheasman.wixsite.com/author.
The Memoir Series currently consists of 2 books (Book #3 is currently about half-way through the first draft, and expected to be published before the end of the year). Both books have been selling surprisingly well, certainly out-selling the forecasted sales predicted by a specialist traditional publisher.

Combined sales for the month of August alone broke 140 editions with at least another 80 in "borrows" from the Amazon Prime / Kindle Unlimited scheme. And sales seem to be increasing month on month.
A big "THANK YOU" to all of you who have already added to these figures. If you liked what you read, tell your friends and colleagues - spread the word far and wide. Thanks again.
Progress on book number three in the series is going well. Currently, the first draft is about half-way through the story. The "working title" is "Gone Diving: My Adventures Above and Below the Waves" but it might all change as things progress.
To ensure that you stay up-to-date with progress and anticipated publication dates, sign-up to my website at https://ajheasman.wixste.com/author, or follow my Facebook page and Twitter page.