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COVID Catch-up...

Writer: AdminAdmin

2020 has been a strange old year!

At the start, I had big ambitions of writing my second #CrimeFiction novel. It was to be an addition to "The Crime Collection," although a totally separate, "standalone" story unrelated to my first book, "Reflex Action."

Things started well. First drafts were written and completed following extensive preparation and planning. The first stage of editing began. All was looking good...

Then came "COVID-19"...!!!

We went into lockdown (3 days before the actual "official" lockdown began in the UK - due to my youngest displaying symptoms of the dreaded virus).

The news was full of, Work from home, comments, but that easier said than done. With a 7 year old and a 9 year old at home all day, both requiring home-schooling, it fell to me to adopt the role of tutor (even though my school days were some 3 decades earlier...!)

Would I remember anything from those distant days? Would I be able to cope with rampant youths all day, every day? Only time would tell...

At first it was a novelty to all of us. It was fun. It was new. It was certainly a challenge. But we got on with it.

I tried to fit in a bit of editing amid the hours of lessons, preparations, and marking, but it soon became apparent that writing and schooling were incompatible (certainly whilst doing 5-6 hours of schoolwork per day, every day, except weekends).

Still, I could always continue my running to get away from everyone for a while 2 or 3 times a week - that would save my sanity. Unfortunately, that did not last long either. The mind was willing, but after a full day of stressful teaching and planning for the following day, my body was "zonked" - the running became a victim of COVID too...!

Time passed by very slowly. In fact, it dragged. But the kids were learning (probably more than they would have done had they been at school). With my other half being a teaching assistant (a critical worker), our kids were entitled to go to school, but what was the point? Those that were attending were simply playing "socially distant" games; there was very little actual teaching going on. They were better off at home learning under my guidance.

When you consider that at the end of each school year we used to go to the "Parent's Evening" to see about 5 exercise books of completed work per child, and after 3 months, I've accumulated a mountain of paperwork approximately 25cm high (and still growing), which is evidence of how much more they are getting done at home.

So, where does that leave me now?

The kids return to school at the start of September (assuming that the government don't change their minds yet again). Summer holidays? What summer holidays? What is the point of wasting all those months of hard work by stopping all teaching for the next 6 weeks? However, we don't want them to "burn out" so it'll be a reduced program of training - mornings only.

What about my book?

Well, it's still there, hovering in the memory of my computer. The (revised) plan is to crack on with the editing/formatting in September with a view to being publishing-ready towards the end of October. Whether this will happen, remains to be seen.

Wish me luck...

To stay abreast of future developments, keep an eye on these blog posts, check my website at or follow my Twitter page and Facebook pages (click on the links).



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