For those who are unaware, on May 25th 2018, new GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) come into effect. You may have noticed that other websites that you are linked to have been asking that you "opt-in" again in order to receive future communications from them.
My website is not exempt...
In practice, nothing will change as far as you are concerned. You will still be able to receive blog posts, emails, and newsletters from my website as normal. You will also have the option to have your email details removed from my Mailing List at any time - simply ask, and it will be done.
If you want to remain on this Mailing List, by law, you have to OPT-IN again.
This is easily done - Simply go to https://ajheasman.wixsite.com/author and add your email address to the Mailing List box on the home-page (as you will have done already).
If you have decided that you no longer want to be on this Mailing List then you need take NO ACTION - your details will be deleted on 25th May.
But if you want to remain on the list, you MUST take action.
Sorry for the inconvenience, but "The Law is the Law...!"
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