'Tis the start of Advent tomorrow, so what better time to think about Christmas presents for family and friends.
Do you know any ex-navy personnel? Are you a former member of Her Majesty's Royal Navy? Are you tired of looking for that elusive present, or stocking-filler, that will bring a smile to their face come Christmas morning?
The perfect present is but a click or two away. Buy them a copy of,
"Beyond the Waves: My Royal Navy Adventures."
The paperback would make the ideal gift. Full of excitement and adventure, and with great reviews, it is sure to please them. It is not a cheap, throw-away book either; being printed on quality paper, and with a velvet-like matt finish to the cover. Who could ask for more?
At a mere £7.99 in the UK, it is not overly expensive either.
If the paperback version is not to your liking, how about a Kindle E-Book version. Only £1.99 from Amazon UK (or free if you are a member of Amazon Prime or Kindle Unlimited).
Get your copy now to avoid Christmas disappointment. Don't wait until Santa gets too busy delivering pressies to the kids.
Available NOW from Amazon.co.uk or Amazon.com (and all other Amazon outlets worldwide).
Visit my website at https://ajheasman.wixsite.com/author
And Thank You to all of those who have already bought a copy of the book (or intend to soon).
Remember // a glowing review on Amazon makes a great Christmas present to the author (hint - hint).

UPDATE on my last Newsletter...
Good news -- Book #2 in back on track. I have resumed writing my police memoirs.
I contacted Lincolnshire Police, Force Information Unit to clarify what I can and cannot mention in my book, having been informed that some forces do not allow details to be written unless extremely strict guidelines are followed.
The good news is that Lincs Police are very positive towards my proposed book. They were very helpful; furnishing me with details of what is acceptable and what is not. And they pointed out the rules relating to Data Protection and Official Secrets Act. Needless to say, I had already considered all of this anyway, and now that I have these details in writing from an "official" source, my writing of the first draft can continue - Full steam ahead.
Thank You to all at Force HQ for their positive feedback, and encouragement.