Welcome to my latest Newsletter...
For those awaiting the second installment in my Memoir Series, there is some disappointing news...!
Despite having completed about a quarter of the story's first draft, production has had to take a step backwards, and has been put on hold for the moment. The reason? Well, I was talking to a fellow author from a similar background (ex-navy, ex-police). It seems that police forces (in general) have strict rules regarding what can or cannot be published in books or memoirs...! It varies from force to force (as does everything relating to the police - nothing is ever a national policy), and mainly applies to serving officers (which can be understood). However, until things are clarified, I have no choice but to await the result of some enquiries with the force's legal eagles.
There are options, and ways around the problem, so the project is not dead in the water as such. Options that have been suggested include using a "Pen Name" (which is fine), and changing names, locations, and the like (which I have done anyway). I've also altered or omitted any operational details, and put a disclaimer at the beginning to state that everything is my own opinion, view, or experience.
However, hearing from other forces, it seems that even mentioning the name of the police force, or the town that I worked in is a no-no...! Ridiculous as it seems, people are worried in case it upsets the locals - the same locals who are only too well aware of their crime rates and circumstances.
Of course, I could just fictionalise the whole thing - write it as if it was a made-up person in a made-up town, dealing with made-up incidents (even though they would be based on real events); but that defeats the object of writing a memoir. What is the point in telling a true story if you can't tell the facts, give opinions etc?
As it stands, I may well write two stories - one, a true and honest account for my family; keeping true to my beliefs and telling MY story. And a second version of it, fictionalised, with all controversial parts taken out, names and places omitted, as per police policy (assuming they have these rules in force). This second version can then be published.
But at the moment, I am waiting on Lincs Police (if I'm even allowed to mention them by name - lol) to get back to me with their list of requirements.
In an ideal world, it should be a case of me being able to write whatever I want so long as it does not breach privacy or operational issues. After all, everything I saw, did, experienced happened; it is all TRUE, and all opinions (controversial or not) are my own. For the general public, it should be an eye-opener as to what REAL police life is like - NOT the sanitised, political image portrayed in the media.
Could it be that police forces (In general) have their own agendas for limiting what can be written about them? You'll have to make your own minds up on that one...
Until then, or I get further information about my book's progress - Watch This Space...
Author of "Beyond the Waves: My Royal Navy Adventures"
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