Nobody in the UK could possibly have missed the passing of Storm Ophelia over the last couple of days. A former Cat 3 Hurricane, its destructive winds created massive waves that pounded the shores of Ireland and the UK causing havoc and destruction.
Why have I mentioned this in my blog? How is it related to my book? ("Beyond the Waves: My Royal Navy Adventures.") Well, to me, it brought back vivid memories of the time I encountered the back-end of a Typhoon in the South China Seas, aboard HMS Invincible. The waves you see in the image above are frightening enough, but look at the scale of them compared to the size of the lighthouse...!!! Now imagine a 210m-long aircraft carrier, mid-ocean, being thrown around by the same (if not bigger) waves, and you will have some idea of what it was like to experience this force of nature.
Of course, to get the full story of my experiences, you'll have to read the book (available now). But to compare how it was relative to Ophelia, here is a link to a few more pictures of devastation and destruction, courtesy of countryliving.co.uk
To those who have read, are reading, or are thinking about reading my book, "Beyond the Waves: My Royal Navy Adventures," a big THANK YOU. I hope you enjoy(ed) it, and if you did, could I ask a big favour? Would you be so kind as to leave a review at the Amazon Page from where you bought it? As I am sure you are aware, a good review helps amazingly when it comes to selling books by "new" authors. Many people will be tempted to read it, but choose not to until others have checked-it-out first, and left a good review. Thank You, in advance.
Oh, and a huge THANK YOU to the reader who has already left me a 5/5 star review. I am flattered.
NEWS UPDATE -- For those interested in Book#2 in The Memoir Series, recalling my time in the Police Force, news hot-off-the-press is that I have made a start, planning and trying desperately to remember details of some of the incidents that I was involved in. As it stands, I think I'll be cutting out lots of things as the list seems endless. But preparations are underway, and the writing of the first draft should start within the next few weeks, in earnest.
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