Today, October the 21st is traditionally known as, "TRAFALGAR DAY" in Royal Navy circles.
Dating back to 21st October 1805, it celebrates the victory of Vice-Admiral Horatio Nelson's British fleet over the combined fleets of Spain and France at the Battle of Trafalgar. Aboard the Flagship, HMS Victory (pictured), Lord Nelson was fatally wounded in the battle. His second-in-command, Collingwood, took control of the fleet after his wounding, concluding the battle, despite being outnumbered. Prior to the start of the battle, Lord Nelson famously ordered the signal,
"England expects that every man will do his duty."
to be flown from the rigging of HMS Victory as a morale boost for all members of his fleet.
By tradition, this day is celebrated by Commissioned Officers of the British and Commonwealth Navies, when they have a formal "Trafalgar Day" dinner in the Officer's Mess. During this banquet, the guest-of-honour gives a speech which concludes with a toast using the words,
"...to the Immortal Memory of Lord Nelson, and those who fell with him."
For the junior rates, this too is a celebration day; not quite as formal as that conducted by the officers, but just as much fun. In olden days, it was often an excuse for "The Royal Navy Tot" (of rum) - now abolished, along with a lot of other naval traditions...!
Around the world, this day is celebrated too. In the USA, the British Ambassador hosts a Trafalgar Day Dinner; In Gibraltar, commemorations are held at the Trafalgar Cemetery, where the senior Naval Commander reads an extract from the Gibraltar Chronical newspaper, the first newspaper to report on the battle.

And the victory is celebrated each year in the Australian town of Trafalgar, Victoria, in which the small town of 2,200 hold an annual Battle of Trafalgar Festival with the Trafalgar Day Ball held on the Friday or Saturday closest to 21 October each year.
During my time in the navy, we celebrated Trafalgar Day each year, as per the custom. I have also had a formal dinner aboard HMS Victory when I was a Petty Officer aboard HMS Invincible (this may well have been in celebration of Trafalgar Day too). You can read all about this, and my other adventures in my book, "Beyond the Waves: My Royal Navy Adventures." Available NOW from All Amazon outlets.

For those looking for an excuse to get a copy of my book, why not use this year's TRAFALGAR DAY as your reason (not that you need a reason to buy it). What better day for naval tradition than TRAFALGAR DAY for you to get your copy of, "Beyond the Waves: My Royal Navy Adventures." Share my experiences in the Royal Navy during the 80's and 90's, and remember those who fought and died in years gone by.
Today is the day to remember those who helped shape our British Navy, and the history of our country.