Look what Mrs "H" bought me...
I'm guessing she's either a bit optimistic with regards to my first book
She wants me to crack-on with my second book.
Either way, I'm using it for preparatory notes and planning for volume two in "The Memoir Series."
Remember, Book #1, "Beyond the Waves: My Royal Navy Adventures" is currently available via my home page. Simply click HERE.
The high quality paperback version would make a wonderful present for someone, what with Christmas coming up rapidly.
And, the E-Book version is a convenient format and a reasonable price - as I have said before, it's cheaper than a Starbuck's coffee (Yeah, you guessed it, I've still not been offered an advertising deal by them, so I'll keep name-checking them until I do - lol). In other words, it's "cheap-as-chips" (to quote a well known antiques celebrity from UK TV) - in fact, in Britain at the moment, it's actually Cheaper-than-chips...!!!!
Anyway, Buy, read, enjoy - and don't forget to leave a review on my amazon page if you liked it.
Thank You, in advance...