For those who missed it the first time around, a quick recap on my last blog entry in preparation for "Author (Self) Interview #2" -- coming soon...........................
So I had a thought - wouldn't it be good to have an interview so that followers could get a bit more information about my forthcoming book, and the reasons behind it. Looking around, Charlie and Louise on BBC News were somewhat busy, so I went for the second best option; MYSELF...! I'm going to interview myself and pass on some information to you all, so here goes.......................
Q: So, Mr Heasman, in simple terms, what is your new book about?
A: Well, Mr Heasman, "Beyond the Waves: My Royal Navy Adventures" is exactly what it says in the title. It is my recollection of events from when I joined the RN as an Artificer Apprentice in 1986, through to my leaving as a Petty Officer some years later. It covers my training at HMS Raleigh and HMS Collingwood, as well as the many voyages around the world aboard the frigate, HMS Scylla, and the carrier, HMS Invincible. It includes details of lesser known postings, and covers the day-to-day life of a naval rating afloat, and ashore, during the 80's and 90's.
Q: Should those who served with you be worried about getting mentioned?
A: No. This is a "memoir" and it focuses on my exploits, not those around me. There are a few references to others throughout the story, but nothing nasty, mostly humorous. Those that are mentioned are referred to by nickname or surname (Or completely different names - for privacy). But those that were there, mentioned or not, will appreciate the descriptions of events and locations covered, which should bring back fond memories for those who remember them. That being said, those who were not there, but who served in any of the armed services will also relate to the things I experienced - forces' training is often similar, and the forces' attitude and sense of humour is the same everywhere.
Q: What made you write this book?
A: There were a number of reasons. It was a way of killing time whilst waiting around at home to do the school-runs and the like. It was a challenge to see if I could actually write one, and see how it would turn out. But mostly, it was to leave a permanent record of what I got up to for my family to see in years to come. If you read the "Foreword" of the book, it'll give a more in-depth explanation.
Q: How long have you been writing the book?
A: I started earlier this year, about February. But before then, the idea had been bouncing around in my head for a few months, and I'd been looking on the internet for the best way of approaching it, formatting it etc. The actual writing initially took about three and a half months, working 1.5 hours each day, 5 days a week. But then the hard work starts, the editing, formatting, proofreading, re-editing (numerous times), and so on. In all, it's taken around 7 months to get to this stage - ish...!
Q: Who have you told you were writing it?
A: Initially, nobody...!
Q: Why?
A: Well, at the start, I didn't even know if I was capable of completing a book. During my research, it said that millions of people begin books, but never finish them due to various reasons. I wanted to see if I could get to a semi-finished state first. Also, I didn't know if it was any good until it was near completion. After various edits and so on, I submitted the manuscript to various traditional publishers to see what happens. Bearing in mind that the subject matter is quite niche, I didn't expect much response, but to my surprise, the majority of them were very positive. However, big publishing firms have to look at the financial gain first, and with a relatively small market, it wasn't a financial risk they were willing to take. I had a couple of contracts for "partnership" deals, but that involved a monetary outlay on my part (not what I wanted on my first book project). Besides, most of the big companies were not willing to take a risk on an unknown author. That being said, they liked the content, they loved the style of writing, and all agreed that it should be published in one form or another. Having had this confidence boost, I released my "PLAN" on the world, telling everyone. Hopefully, we can prove those publishers wrong and make this book a success that they wish they had grabbed when they had the chance.
Q: So you did get professional help then?
A: Yes, Amanda Field at Chaplin Books was especially helpful. Whilst not being able to financially publish my book, she suggested various tweaks and additions to my manuscript (which I've added), and offered ongoing support should I need it. I've also given my book cover design to an American company to work on - I did attempt a few cover designs myself, but I'm not really a graphic designer - best left to the pros.

Q: Is there anything else you'd like to add?
A: Well, if readers like this post, I'll do another one soon, answering some more of my own questions in a (Self) interview, maybe going into a bit more depth on the book creation side of things. But if anyone has any questions that are burning inside of them, drop me an email and I'll pass them onto my other-self to include in future blogs.
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